You’ve learnt a lot of tools to heal your relationship with food and stop binge eating and for the most part know WHAT TO DO but you still find yourself overeating at the majority of your meals, thinking about food a lot and getting anxious when going to social events and restaurants.

CONQUER is a program designed to give you all the key tools to improve EVERY aspect of your relationship with food & your body so you can live your life free from constant food thoughts and obsessing over the way you look.

You know you’re meant for complete freedom & you know you will get there because you’ve already made great progress with your relationship with food by:

-deleting myfitness pal & no longer dieting
-ditching the scale & no longer weighing yourself
-starting to honour your cravings so you have less binges
-releasing your food rules & having more satisfying meals

But now you’re ready for the next level of FREEDOM so you can CONQUER binge eating for good.

You know there’s not just ONE tool that will help you stop binge eating & inside CONQUER, you will learn them all.

This program will expedite your process towards complete FREEDOM with the advanced tools and ability to get more customized support based on your own journey.

Each month you will get access to a program that will help you master one key aspect of your relationship with food/body such as:

-Ending night time binge & emotional overeating so you can continue eating healthy throughout the day and not blow it all at night.

-Eating intuitively without spiralling out of control so you can eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full and no longer think about food & calories all day

-Getting rid of your binge urges so you can enjoy all foods in moderation and with full control (including trigger foods when you're home alone, vacation or at a restaurant) 

-Healing body image so you can feel confident in your own skin & achieve a healthy weight you can maintain long term without losing & gaining the same 10lbs every month.

The best part?

You will have multiple opportunities throughout each program for Q&As to ask your personalized questions and get more custom support from myself.

You’re ready to fully CONQUER, so let’s do this.

BONUS: You will get access to my Root & Rewire Membership when you join now!


(20 8 spots available)

6 OR 12 MONTHS - $222/month