Some coaches will tell you that you HAVE to keep trigger foods out of the house, deprive yourself of chocolate and sweets & just rely on willpower & distraction to NOT binge.

When I’ll show you exactly how to become less impulsive with food so you can enjoy all of your favourite foods in moderation WITHOUT bingeing no matter if you’re home alone, it’s late at night, you’re out for dinner or you’re surrounded by sweets.

When I became less impulsive with food, I was able to keep chocolate in my house and enjoy some after lunch without bingeing.

When I became less impulsive with food, I was able to go out for dinner and order exactly what I wanted, feel extremely satisfied and have no desire to clean my plate if I was full.

When I became less impulsive with food, I was able to be home alone & not think about all the snacks in the cupboard I should eat before someone walked in.

You can absolutely enjoy chocolate, ice cream & all of your fav foods without needing to eat until you’re physically sick.

When you trust yourself, around all foods, no longer have the all or nothing mentality & you are less impulsive with food, you can be home alone, at a social event or it be late at night and you STILL don’t have the desire to binge.

Every day for 21 days, you will receive a specific tool to help you become less impulsive with food.

You will get a DAILY email & a voice message from me explaining how to put this tool into action into your daily life!

This 21 day challenge is for you if:
-You want to enjoy a few pieces of chocolate after lunch without it leading into a full blown binge the rest of the day
-You want to be able to trust yourself around sweets so you can keep them in the house without bingeing
-You want to honour your hunger & fullness cues and be able to effortlessly stop eating when you’re full no matter how good the food is
-You want to no longer think about food & calories all day long
-You want to know how to honour your cravings without bingeing

If you’re ready to become less impulsive with food no matter if you’re home alone, it’s late at night, you’re out for dinner or you’re surrounded by sweets, this 21 day challenge is for you.

**this is a ONE time payment **


***this is INCLUDED if you're a client inside my Root & Rewire membership, CONQUER or Academy***