Are you ready to improve your relationship with food and end binge eating? Ditch Decade Diets Podcast is here to teach you how to get to the root of your food struggles and rewire your brain so you no longer feel the impulse to binge and self sabotage with food
Hey, I'm Lorna! I'm a certified Binge Eating Coach & Founder Of Ditch Decade Diets Academy. For an entire decade, I had a horrible relationship with food & my body. My days were spent obsessing about food, calories, what my body looked like and how much I weighed. I felt STUCK in the yo-yo diet binge cycle feeling out of control with food and that I was the exception to binge eating.
I’ve counted my calories, followed meal plans, tracked my macros, tried keto, intermittent fasting & even went to therapy...and I felt compltely hopless because nothing helped me stop binging.
No matter how many promises I've made to myself that I would NEVER binge again, I always ended up binging again.
It wasn't until I started learning that through years of dieting & repeating certain behaviours, I have created specific neural pathways in my brain that made me feel crazy & out of control with food. As soon as I learned the tools to get to the ROOT of my issues & REWIRE my brain, I've been completely binge free and no longer feel the desire or the impulse to binge.
It's my biggest mission to help you break free from negative limiting beliefs so that you can conquer this struggle with food & your body as well.
Let's go lady, I'm here for you every step of the way <3 <3