I know you so badly want to eat intuitively and have a balanced relationship with food BUT you are TERRIFIED of weight gain.

You don’t trust yourself to stop dieting and eat without food rules.
You don’t trust yourself to ditch the scale and stop weighing yourself.

You love being in CONTROL and believe that weighing yourself daily and having food rules is what allows you to have control.

BUT the reality is you are SCARED of gaining weight & this FEAR is what’s preventing you from LIVING your life.

Fearing WEIGHT GAIN & not feeling CONFIDENT in your own skin is the NUMBER ONE reason you restrict your food, don’t allow yourself to eat the foods you love and continue to obsess over the way you look and ultimately stay in the diet binge cycle!

You don’t like what you see in the mirror? You RESTRICT your calories.

You step on the scale & the number goes up? You have the WORST day and eat way more because you think “I’m not seeing progress anyways”

You don’t have to GAIN WEIGHT when healing your relationship with food but you most definitely need to RELEASE the FEAR of weight gain because this fear will hold you back from having complete freedom with food.

Inside this free masterclass I’m going to help you release your tight grip of control and learn how to trust yourself WITHOUT weighing yourself daily.

It’s time to RELEASE the fear of weight gain so you can start enjoying your life with the people you love and see that there’s so much more to you than the way you look.

You will get IMMEDIATE & LIFETIME access to the masterclass upon registering!