You're READY to improve your relationship with food, stop binge eating & break free from the yo yo diet binge cycle so you can get back to eating like a normal person again.

You're ready to ditch diets and start trusting yourself around all foods.

You're ready to stop thinking about food 24/7 so you can get your mental real estate back & be present with your family.

You're ready to stop letting food control you so you can eat without impulse & stop when you're full.


You spent years dieting, removing foods from your diet & following strict rules around what you “should” & are “allowed” to eat.

You tracked your macros, did intermittent fasting, went low carb, followed the meal plans, did the 21 day fix portion containers…

& those diets just left you feeling super deprived, impulsive with food and having strong urges to binge.

Every time you want some chocolate, your restrict brain goes:

“You shouldn’t eat that”
“Too much sugar”
“Watch your calories”
“You said you wanted to lose weight”

You do everything you can to not give into your cravings by
-drinking green tea
-chewing gum
-staying busy
-packing healthy meals & snacks to work
-going to bed early
-& distracting yourself…

thinking this is the “right” thing to do but this just intensifies your cravings & they end up turning into strong URGES to binge.

So now you feel like you have no choice BUT to give in.

The chocolate is SCREAMING your name.

You end up bingeing on the whole box of chocolates & going through an out of body experience. You have no control.

You feel the temporary “high” for a few moments but then instantly feel the shame, frustration, disappointment of bingeing yet AGAIN.

You’re sitting on the toilet with your hands over your stomach in so much pain and you PROMISE yourself you’re NEVER going to binge again

But this only lasts for a few days until your next urge comes & you have to try to willpower your way to not giving in AGAIN…

There is a better way… & that’s through rewiring your brain to stop binge eating.

Look…I was in your shoes a few years ago.

Having these strong demanding urges, thinking about food all day & telling myself I was going to have ONE last binge.

But it wasn’t until I realized that bingeing was a HABIT & I not only needed to drop the crazy food rules but I also needed to rewire my brain & stop giving into my urges if I wanted to break out of the yo yo diet binge cycle.

I stopped bingeing because I rewired my brain.

I've MAINTAINED my binge free life for over 4 years because I rewired my brain.

Which is exactly why I created my Root & Rewire membership so you can get to the ROOT of your binge eating & REWIRE your brain out of the yo yo diet binge cycle for GOOD this time!


A Monthly Q&A call with Lorna on Zoom!
($497 VALUE)

Just these calls ALONE will leave you feeling so full of HOPE & in MOMENTUM ready to take action towards a better relationship with food!


A Monthly Experience with Lorna!
($97 VALUE)
 Join a transformative journey designed to help you rewire your brain and break free from binge eating. Each month, you'll learn the most effective tools and strategies to heal your relationship with food, cultivate mindfulness, and create SUSTAINABLE change. Plus, you'll connect with a supportive community of BADASSES who will inspire and motivate you—so you never have to feel alone in your journey again.

"The biggest lightbulb moment for me was when Lorna explained how this was all a habit. It made it so much easier to deal with. I can't remember the last time I binged" 

"My big win is how much I'm enjoying my food without guilt. It's incredibly FREEING after spending the last 20+ years restricting" 

"I'm becoming more confident, trusting myself more, going with the flow, sticking to non negotiables" 


"This program has truly changed my life. Food is way less consuming and it just feels amazing!"

When you join now, you will get IMMEDIATE access to over 14 HOURS OF TRAININGS!!!

Rewire Your Brain To Stop Binge Eating Masterclass 
($97 VALUE)

Control Your Crazy Cravings Masterclass
($97 VALUE)

($197 VALUE)

💜How to prepare yourself BEFORE a binge to help you not give in

💜How to create a pattern interrupt in the MIDDLE of a binge so you can get out of autopilot mode

💜What to do AFTER a binge to release guilt and prevent another binge from happening 

No More Yo-Yo Dieting Bundle
($197 VALUE)

These trainings will help you:

💜Stop the all or nothing mentality with food so you can be consistent with your diet regardless if you eat something “bad/off limits”, you go away for the weekend or your schedule gets thrown off. You’ll never have to restart your diet on Monday again!

💜Master your habits: how to FORM & STICK to your habits so you can create a healthy sustainable lifestyle that you can maintain long term!

💜DUALITY: how to have an easy effortless balanced relationship with food & still prioritize your health & fitness goals



Free Yourself From Self Sabotage Bundle
($197 VALUE)

These trainings will help you:

💜Trust yourself around trigger foods: so you can keep them in your house without bingeing

💜Break free emotional eating & self sabotage with food so you can use food for health & hunger & no longer have the desire to soothe with food  

💜How to stop thinking about food 24/7 so you can get your mental real estate back, be present with your loved ons & focus on more important things other than food & calories

Master Your Mind Bundle
($197 VALUE)

These trainings will help you:

💜Get to the ROOT of your binge eating so you can sustainably end it for good!

💜Stop secret eating so you can become more comfortable eating in front of other people & no longer rushing to the pantry as soon as your kids go to bed or you have the house to yourself!

💜Stop self sabotage by breaking through your limiting beliefs feel GOOD about what you’re eating & stop the diet binge cycle!

When you rewire your brain out of binge eating, you'll stop:

-eating in secret when you’re home alone
-thinking about food all day
-feeling controlled by past trigger foods
-promising yourself you’re going to have ONE last binge & you’ll do better tomorrow…

The BEST part?

You’ll be coached by me, your badass mentor who GETS you (like no therapist, nutritionist, doctor, partner or parent ever will)

You’ll be surrounded by the most incredible badasses in my community who will help you feel less alone

You’ll have less urges, binges and guilt & finally break free from bingeing!


When you sign up TODAY you get access to...
A Monthly Q&A call with Lorna ($497 value)
A Masterclass experience every month to improve your relationship with food ($97 VALUE)
A community of like minded women badasses WHO GET YOU & are also so ready to stop binge eating & regain their control back with food! (PRICELESS)


Rewire your brain to stop binge eating masterclass ($97 value)
Control your crazy cravings masterclass ($97 value)
What to do Before, During & After a Binge 3 Day Masterclass ($97 value)

No more yo yo dieting Bundle ($97 value)
Free yourself from self sabotage Bundle ($97 value)
Master your mind Bundle ($97 value)

(TOTAL VALUE: OVER $1,500 Value)
Join TODAY starting at $97/month!