The people who conquer binge eating aren’t special or lucky.

They don’t have the “secret” answer.

They believe in themselves & their ability to conquer binge eating.

They show up for themselves & their relationship with food everyday.

They are willing to put in the work & take action everyday to become less impulsive with food & no longer allow food to control them.

YOU are a badass who will conquer binge eating & it’s actually so much closer than you think.

BUT you do need to master a few key things:
-Getting rid of your binge urges so you can have 1 or 2 cookies without feeling this pull to finish off the entire box
-Rewiring your thoughts around food so you no stress about calories or avoid social events because of the food
-Trusting your intuition to eat what your body is craving without overthinking or throwing your health out the window
-Making peace with all trigger foods so you no longer fear foods or have to keep them out of the house in order to feel in control

I went from feeling extremely out of control with food bingeing on chocolate chip pancakes & secretly eating when I had every opportunity to be home alone in 2018 to fully trusting myself to enjoy all of my favourite foods guilt free, knowing exactly how much I need to eat without weighing my food & being home alone without any thought to binge on chocolate.

& Inside of Step into your inner BADASS to conquer binge eating 5 day challenge, I’m going to show you exactly what it takes to get here.

This is a FREE 5 day challenge.

You will get immediate access once you join!

Only for the badasses who are beyond ready to take action & conquer binge eating.