Being a people pleaser is 100% related to BINGE EATING

Your friends & family members rely on you & know they can call you anytime they need because you always say yes and will literally fly over to go help them within minutes regardless if you are in the middle of sending an email, just about to get your workouts started or you’re heading off to pick up your groceries for the week.

You’re so busy all day giving so much of your energy and time to everyone else you end up eating on the go, grabbing whatever is quick and easy and on your busiest days, you don’t even have TIME to eat.

You’re always rushing around and eating super fast which causes you to not feel satisfied with your meals and end up having intense cravings for sweets and sugary foods that you feel so guilty for eating.

When you finally get home after a long day, you scarf down anything you can get your hands on and binge eat chocolate and icecream so fast, knowing your kids or partner is going to need you in the next 5 minutes. 

Your lack of boundaries & your inability to say no leaves you always feeling stressed, overwhelmed, behind at work, inconsistent with your workouts & eating an entire box of cookies at night when you finally have a few moments to relax & decompress from a busy day. 

Inside the Stop People Pleasing to Stop Binge Eating Masterclass, you will learn:
-The different ways you are people pleasing 

-How to prioritize yourself and create non-negotiable healthy habits in your life that it’s literally impossible for you to not get in your workouts or prepare healthy meals for the week. You stop trying to do MORE for other people when you know that just leaves you feeling so depleted at the end of the night (bingeing and numbing out with food) and you become the most consistent, healthiest & happiest person you know.

-How to set healthy boundaries from a place of self love that are beneficial for you & everyone else around you (so you don’t feel bad for setting them but rather excited because you know they will be helpful for everyone and give you so much more of your time back)

-How to allow yourself time to scroll on social media, go get a massage, bake your favourite treats and RELAX without feeling guilty or that you should be doing more for your kids or making your house absolutely spotless.

-How to shift your way out of people pleasing tendencies & focus on filling up your own cup so you can feel confident receiving compliments, say no to things you know you don’t have the energy or capacity for, process your emotions in a healthy way without food and have more time in your day to sit down & ENJOY your meals, get in your workouts and go on a walk with a clear mind, not be stressing about the 10 million items on your to do list.

You will get IMMEDIATE & lifetime access to the masterclass!
