Make peace with food & release all guilt 

Eat normally and build self-trust within yourself

Heal your body image struggles so you can love your body again

No longer turn to food when stressed/bored/anxious

Enjoy sweets without spiraling after control after one bite

Have self serving thoughts be on auopiolet (no more inner critic negative thoughts) 

Know your worth & have self confidence to own who you are


Do you spend the majority of your day thinking about food? Worrying about calories, anxious about your next meal? Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin & bloated from snacking uncontrollably late at night. 

Would you love to never stress about food again? Free up space in your brain so you can go out for ice-cream on a Wednesday afternoon with your girlfriends & simply enjoy your life. Be able to look at yourself in the mirror & have a healthy self image. 

This is all possible FOR YOU inside the food freedom & body love journey

 self paced course

This is for YOU if you want to:

Feel so confident in your decisions with food because eating now feels effortless

Have full control & self trust around your past trigger foods

Get excited for social events because you're so darn comfortable & happy in your own skin

You feel worthy for who you are & know hands down you're more than your body

This is for NOT FOR YOU:

You just want to lose weight quickly

You want a meal plan & be told exactly what to eat

You would prefer to be led by a coach and/or have group support (DDD Academy would be best for you)


Private membership site to access the course

Everything is all online. Once you register, you will get an email & have immediate access to start your food freedom & body love journey.

Self paced video lessons

Each video will provide you with tangible tools to help you overcome your fight with food & your body. You can go through this on your own time, there is no rush!

Meditations & audio practices

Go deeper into each concept that you learn by embodying what you're being taught.

Integration worksheets & tasks

Knowlegde is only powerful when it's implemented. Use these worksheets to help you commit to taking action & create a sustainable food freedom & body love transformation.


You'll have all the tools to end your battle with food & body for good inside this self paced course.

MODULE 1: Shift your mindset & say goodbye to the all or nothing mentality with food

Learn powerful brain rewiring techniques to set your day up for success & have a gameplan for the times food is most challenging for you. Imagine no longer snacking uncontrollably at 9pm, binge eating when you're home alone or at social parties where you spiral out of control with foodYou can finally get off the yo yo diet binge roller coaster & experience food freedom for life!

module 2: Get back to eating like a normal person

Understand your hunger & fullness cues and see what you’re ACTUALLY hungry for. No longer feel addicted to & out of control with sweets & your favourite foods. Binge & emotional eating will become a thing of the past

module: Cultivating A Deep Sense Of Self love & Heal Body Image

Go from body hate to uplevlling & seeing yourself as more than a body

module 4: trusting yourself with food

Tap into your Intuition & know the difference between a physical & emotional hunger cue
Learn the framework to give you complete certainty of when you should give into your cravings & when you’ve had enough (no more fighting against your body)
Release the people pleaser in you & be confident with your decisions

module 5: shift your thoughts & LIMITING BELIEFS

Release old thoughts, conditioning, beliefs & identities so you can meet who you truly are at your core
Let go of disempowering labels other people have given to you
Step into the most aligned, confident version of you

module 6: releasing self sabotaging behaviours

Learn effective strategies of what to do when you feel the impulse to binge
Understand how to release food guilt
Be fully equipped with tools to no longer feel the impulse to binge 

Ladies are feeling GOOD in their own skin, appreciating their body & too busy living life to stress out about what their body looks like



2 payments of $299 CAD
(week 1 & week 4)
Private membership site with immediate access to course
Self paced video lessons
Meditations & audio practices
Integration worksheets & tasks
Lifetime access to course

get started

1 time payment of $497 CAD
Private membership site with immediate access to course
Self paced video lessons
Meditations & audio practices
Integration worksheets & tasks
Lifetime access to course

get started


How much time do I need each week?

This course is self paced so you can take as much time as you need. However, I would encourage you to set aside 1 hour each week to watch the videos, do the integration worksheets & listen to the meditation/audios.


How long do I have to finish the course?

You will have lifetime access so you can go through the lessons at your own time. I would however, encourage you to dive in right away because why wait? There are SO MANY powerful tools in here ;) Carve out that time for yourself so you can start feeling free with food & loving your body again. You are always more than welcome to re-listen to the modules at any time as a refresher & to really let the tools & content sink in.


Will I lose weight?

This program is not focused on weight loss however, when you begin the process of trusting yourself around food and cultivating more self love, you will no longer have the desire to self sabotage with food. You will learn tools on how to get rid of that nagging binge impulse & how to cope with your emotions versus turn to food & therefore, weight may get released. This course is focused on body love & acceptance versus weight loss.

What's the difference between this course & the Ditch Decade Diets Academy?

The Ditch Decade Diets Academy is my signature 4 month group coaching program with optional VIP 1-1 support. You get LIVE coaching calls with me, LIVE breathwork calls with me, daily support inside our private communication channel, a community of like minded women who "get you", a custom exercise plan, plus we go more in depth with certain tools & framworks. This is my high level program that provides LOTS of support & requires a higher investment. 

The Food Freedom & Body Love Journey is a self paced course that you can do at your own time. There is no  live coaching with Lorna, however it is at a lower investment.

If I finish this course & I am ready to join the Academy, how can I join?
You can apply for the Ditch Decade. Diets Academy HERE. On the application, let me know you purchased this course & if its a fit, you will be credited $250 towards the academy. This credit expires 4 months after purchasing this course.