Here's what's waiting for you INSIDE:  

A 5 Day Masterclass that will show you the process of:

-Getting rid of your binge urges so you can have 1 or 2 cookies without feeling this pull to finish off the entire box
-Rewiring your thoughts around food so you no stress about calories or avoid social events because of the food
-Trusting your intuition to eat what your body is craving without overthinking or throwing your health out the window
-Making peace with all trigger foods so you no longer fear foods or have to keep them out of the house in order to feel in control

A 3 Day Masterclass that will show you :

-The BIGGEST shifts I made in 2019 that made the difference in helping me confidently say “I no longer binge and haven’t for 4 years

- Identity shifts required to step into the version of you who no longer identifies as a binge eater

-The transition from binge eating, to overeating, to then navigating the holy shit moments of “I can’t even remember the last time I binged

A 2 Day Masterclass that will Make you unstoppable:

-You are going to become UNSTOPPABLE and continue to show up for yourself and your relationship with food until you conquer binge eating.

- By sharing the very specific mindset that you need to embody to tackle your urges, rewire your brain & break free from these habitual cycles!

-I’m showing you how I became unstoppable & went from having daily binges & thinking about food 24/7 TO not having a single urge to binge in 4 years and food feeling extremely effortless.

A 3 Day Masterclass that will get you back to feeling like magic:

Learn the process I used to create a life that feels like magic everyday, so i dont have to use food to give me pleasure or comfort! 

- create magical moments without food, by finding joy in the simple things.

- Learn to no longer need food to bring joy, pleasure, comfort, & happiness.

- See the intentions you are missing that create so much pleasure & happiness in life.